Time And Energy Management While Studying

Get more done and in less time. This is what time management is ultimately about. Enrolling in further education and actually completing a course requires the capacity to schedule, work sustainably and avoid becoming overwhelmed by the inevitable juggling of various commitments. Learning how to work smarter, not harder, is the key to creating more free time and unleashing maximum productivity.

A Word From IMA Expert Team

Servane Collette, Director at IMA explains “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. How does IMA advise our physicians, who already have to organize their family lives and practices to make enough time for study?

“Our courses are specifically designed with busy doctors in mind. Giving the option to join at different stages within the year is one key advantage. When planning to study it is important to set goals… so we actively support our students to achieve their goals and study in a set time frame,” Servane Collette

Our Courses Accommodate All Lifestyles, With Flexible Timing

As much as students may be passionate about mastering the topic of medical aesthetics, actually sitting down to studying is a daunting task for most. She says that most have been there too and are familiar with each step of the way. “We want courses to be relevant and accessible for physicians and practitioners in this rapidly evolving sphere. We don’t waste time giving inputs that are unnecessary or dated, we have student’s optimal learning interests at the core of all courses.”

Even though not everyone’s lives and commitments look the same, which is why IMA’s online theoretical courses are typically completed in one month, flexibility is key. The faculty does not want students to lose momentum but an added leeway of three months to complete a module is given.

Dr. Azaiba Kara, teaching faculty at IMA also acknowledges that studying part time, whilst working or raising children is a commendable achievement. Fortunately, as one of the MENA region’s premier institutes dedicated to the fast-paced field of medical aesthetics, the entire IMA team has been trained to be on the side of the students. “We will do whatever it takes to help them achieve their best and complete their chosen courses successfully.”

On the frontline with medical practitioners of every nationality and unique situation, Milton D’Souza, IMA’s Course Manager explains. “As our online courses are accessible anytime and anywhere, medical practitioners can spend between 15 to 20 minutes between patient consultations and squeeze in about 30 minutes in the evening. This makes these bite sized study slots digestible. After all, our clients are busy professionals with families, which is why we have tailored programs to fit their schedules.”

What Habits Do Our Most Successful Students Have?

He explains, “No two schedules are the same, but we find the majority of our students are using their days off on Fridays to participate in our in-person courses. Friday in this part of the world is a family day, so we respect the need for enabling a productive yet not stressful rhythm by ensuring plenty of breaks during the day so that students can check in with their other obligations and pastimes.”

Paradoxically, taking breaks is one of the most efficient ways to improve studying. It may seem counter intuitive but ensuring appropriate rest during study sessions helps cement learnt material. She adds, “It’s recommended to take 15 minutes off for every 45 minutes on, and especially important to rest the eyes and move the body when using our online resources.”

Use More Efficient Online Courses To Speed Track Your Learning

Technological trends are also speeding ahead at ever increasing rates. In this fast paced, competitive scenario, staying ahead of the game by learning about the latest medical technologies and actively incorporating this study time into our timetables is the strategy adopted by the industry’s most proficient and successful practitioners.

Enrolling in aesthetic medicine courses online is the perfect way to do this. Students find that they save time and gain mastery by studying smart in the comfort of their homes by choosing the most relevant and innovative courses available.

Milton adds, “Students can also choose to listen to the audio while driving to work, making efficient use of their time. About 30 minutes a day of listening to material in this convenient manner works up to quite a lot of material completed in a week.”

Fully certified with a flexible variety of online and hands-on modules, the IMA portfolio has been accepted by students as amongst the best cosmetic courses they have attended. In this challenging time where opportunities are counter balanced by risks, there is no better way to maximize your potential in the least amount of time than by enrolling in an advanced aesthetic course. For nurses and beauticians, IMA’s training courses in Dubai give the freedom to expand careers by mastering highly sought-after aesthetics technologies.

One Of  The Most Efficient Time Management Tools? Beauty Sleep

FAST FACT: Sleep is such an important part of vitality, as physicians know. Yet sometimes, sleep for medical professionals is not an option. During medical training, residents may need to work increasingly long 12+ hour shifts. Increasing risks of accidents by up to a third in comparison to an 8-hour shift. Read more in the review by the British Medical Association here. 

DID YOU KNOW? While we sleep, we automatically convert our memories into long term storage, and our dreams may help us find creative solutions to our current problems. Sleep is the most fundamental part of our energy management. Our culture of cutting back hours of sleep in order to work, not only damages our well-being, but makes us less productive. It’s estimated the average American loses $2,280 in wages each year due to sleep deprivation. Those who are sleep deprived also spend nearly three times as much on time management than their better rested co-workers.

Put Time Back On Your Side

Never before, have physicians been thrown into such a complex situation world-wide. The entire industry is confronted from all corners: the global pandemic, the increasing concern for public health issues, and even from one another as practitioners strive to make a mark amongst the growing number of competitors.

In addition, rightly or wrongly, social media influences the attitudes of many. End users are constantly seeking new technologies and hearing about new treatments. Therefore, as practitioners, the never-ending technological advancements demand that physicians continually upskill – no matter what.

Joining in further personal development and education is the ideal way to keep up the pace without feeling that one is running out of steam. At IMA, the team has developed a curriculum that’s manageable and designed to allow adequate breaks and time for completion and enjoyment.