The world of medical aesthetics is booming with different types and uses of lasers to tackle diverse dermatological and aesthetic conditions. Consequently, the necessity for stringent safety regulations and the demand for Laser Safety Officers (LSO) has also risen, with Nurses, Physicians, Technicians, Aestheticians and Biomedical Engineers getting increasingly certified through online or live courses to enrich their skills by becoming an LSO.
How is the Laser Safety Officer different from the Laser Technician?
Laser Safety, as defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is separate and distinct from patient and treatment safety. It involves safety measures such as radiation hazards, eye protection, other laser protective equipment, etc. Far too often, laser safety is poorly implemented and can lead to potentially unsafe practices that could result in staff and patient injuries. For this reason, the role of an LSO is crucial.
Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC) defines the role of an LSO as “an individual, qualified by training and experience in the evaluation and control of laser hazards, with the authority and responsibility to establish and administer the laser safety program.”
Laser Technicians however, are responsible for the day-to-day operation of lasers and would report to the LSO on all technical and clinical issues. With proper training and certification, an individual would obtain the official Laser Safety Officer job title and credentials, and benefit from the knowledge of all laser safety policies and aspects, setting them aside from Laser Technicians.
“By becoming a Laser Safety Officer it opens your job opportunities as this is a highly valued position”, explains RN Banafsheh Ghorbi, an experienced nurse and laser expert for 10 years now.
Why become a Laser Safety Officer (LSO)?
Some UAE and US Authorities have already made it compulsory to appoint a LSO in their clinics. RN Banafsheh Ghorbi, says, “Due to new regulations requiring LSO at all clinics, there has been an increased amount of individuals taking training courses to get certified.” Additionally, LSO policies and training provide a way to achieve gold standards in a clinic, encouraging clients to visit clinics that have an appointed LSO.
Banafsheh Ghorbi also says, “Clinics would benefit from a certified LSO staff in many ways, by making them stand out from other clinics, help improve policies and provide safety concerning laser management.” Dr. Maria Khattar, the founder of Institute of Medical Aesthetics Dubai and Aesthetica Clinic Dubai has validated this by adding, “I have always appointed an LSO at Aesthetica Clinic.”
As technology proliferates in medical aesthetics, it is critical to maintain the highest quality of care and safety for both staff and patients. So far, nurses have been the leading profession to seeking this laser safety certification. As they gain laser safety expertise, they progress on a continuum to an advanced level of practice and care.
How to become certified
Professionals may apply for Laser Safety online training by taking the course offered through IMA . This can now be completed fully online from the comfort of your home. The training is given by Laser Training Institute (USA) to become a trained LSO. Additional credential can be gained through a written exam administered by NCLC (National Council on Laser Certification) at IMA Dubai.
RN Banafsheh Ghorbi, a laser trainer at IMA, commented saying, “The course itself is challenging in the most stimulating way possible, yet it is not too difficult and you can go at your own pace. You will learn new skills and everything there is to know about lasers and your progress will be tested through quizzes.”